Short Film Review: “Longway To Go”

Dir: Bijjakuggwa Kawooya
Uganda • Drama • 11 Mins

Ham, a single-father and street guitarist, tries to raise money through his inspirational music to afford food and an education of his young daughter.

Filmmaker Bijjakuggwa Kawooya transports us into Ham’s world in a very free and nonchalant manner as we’re presented with all aspects of his life and surroundings and follow him through the ups and downs of his day.

The film feels wonderfully raw in places and there’s a clear passion behind the film from all concerned which makes this a very watchable, enjoyable and even enlightening short film. There are some superb visuals fused with some very natural, documentary-style shots that make everything feel very spontaneous and realistic. 

The performances, particularly from lead actor Echungu Blessed Letia, are all very genuine, endearing and uncomplicated and complement the philosophical and endearing script perfectly. The music too enhances this uplifting story of hope. 

Through our little day-in-the-life journey with Ham, while he feels he may have a long way to go, with his passion for life and daughter,  he probably doesn’t have as far to go as he thinks. 

Longway To Go is an uplifting and joyful lyrical film with a great message.


Longway To Go was nominated for Best Drama at our 2022 film festival.

Reviewed by Philip Pugh


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